Saturday 21 September 2019

Summary draft #1- New path to the road of tomorrow

In one of JCDecaux’s blog’s article, “New paths for the road of tomorrow” (2017), he mentioned several technological enhancements on road infrastructure. ‘Asphalt’ is conventionally used on roads pavement. These materials are neither durable nor cost-efficient, which requires a revolutionary change.  

The author is certain that “recycled materials” are much beneficial than the latter. For instance, he quoted 1.3 million cigarettes butts were implemented in the mixture with asphalt, which aids in both heat conductivity and waste management. Decaux also added that the first trail of “solar roadway” was implemented in France (2016); Renewable energy is harnessed to eliminate the need of snow excavator due to its heat conductivity properties, facilitating smoother & safer traffic.
In addition, “Smart highway” introduced in 2016, was proposed by the author that it only operates within close proximity of approaching vehicles. Thus, it saves energy while serving the intended purpose.


  1. Hi Ray,

    1. Completeness in expression
    "Smart highway......" did not mention the applications, so to an individual that did not read the article, they would not understand what you are summarizing.

    2. In the first paragraph, "These materials are neither durable nor cost-efficient..." did not mention the point on "heat islands due to asphalt".

    Otherwise, good job!

    Review by: Joe and Mikaela

    1. Good day Joe & Mikaela,

      Thank you for reviewing on my summary. That was really a great point out! I will amend accordingly.


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